
Combining like terms, the expression becomes:

(6c^2 + 2c^2) + (2.5d - d - 3d)

Adding the c^2 terms:

8c^2 + (2.5d - d - 3d)

Simplifying the d terms:

8c^2 - 4.5d

So the simplified expression is 8c^2 - 4.5d.

To simplify the expression 6c^2 + 2.5d - d + 2c^2 - 3d, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with the same variables:

6c^2 + 2c^2 = 8c^2

Next, let's combine the terms with "d":

2.5d - d - 3d = -0.5d - 3d = -3.5d

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:

8c^2 - 3.5d