During the 1400 and 1500s, the Catholic Church was selling indulgences. These indulgences allowed people to pay money to have their sins forgiven. How did these indulgences spark the Protestant Reformation?

People were unhappy about how expensive indulgences were so they wanted a new religion
People were committing crimes so they could get money for these indulgences
The monarchs of Europe created a campaign critiquing the sale of indulgences
Many religious scholars felt that indulgences went against the words of the bible.
“The gospel(words of Jesus) alone is sufficient to rule the lives of Christians everywhere - any additional rules made to govern men's conduct added nothing to the perfection already found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” What does the quote above illustrate about the critiques against the Catholic Church?
People were unhappy about the money that the church was making
People were unhappy that the church was too involved in government
People felt like the church was not enough involved with the lives of their followers
People were unhappy about all the rules that the church created to govern their followers
“In short, I will preach it, teach it, write it, but I will constrain no one by force, for faith must come freely without compulsion. Take myself as an example. I opposed indulgences and all the papists, but never with force. I simply taught, preached and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. ” ~Martin Luther What does the above demonstrate about Luther's ideas about religion?
Luther believed that all people must be forced to practice the same religion
Luther believed that religion would solve all of the world's problems
Luther believed that religion and government should be linked together
Luther believed that people should freely choose their religion
“The Protestant Reformation had a lot to do with the printing press, where Martin Luther’s theses were reproduced about 250,000 times, and so you had widespread dissemination of ideas that hadn’t circulated in the mainstream before.” ~Nate Silver, author and statistician Analyze what the quote above says about the spread of Lutheranism.
Luther spread his teaching by forcing people to convert using force
New technology allowed Luther to quickly spread his teachings
The kings and queens encouraged their followers to convert to Lutheranism
Lutheranism quickly spread along the European trade routes
What does the map below demonstrate about the impacts of the Protestant Reformation?
Captionless Image
The Catholic Church retained control over most of Europe
Very few people decided to accept the new religions of Protestantism
Many other Protestant religions developed after Lutheranism
The spread of Islam into Europe quickly followed the growth of Lutheranism

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