Do you know where I can find two positive ethics of war or have any ideas yourself? I have tryed searching positive ethics of war but had no luck. I can't believe I'm having a hard time trying to come up with two. I think it's because it's my last paragraph that I have to do.

In terms of ethics, there are NO positives about war, in my opinion.

War destroys people! That, in itself, is unethical.

I suggest you say that in your final paragraph.

I have that already. That was the first one that came to me!! Do you know of one more negative ethic that I could use then.

Maybe another thing could be that it costs a lot of money for all the weapons?

Certainly! Coming up with positive ethics of war can indeed be challenging. However, I can provide you with two examples that are commonly discussed in the field of just war theory:

1. Just Cause: This principle states that it is ethically justified to engage in armed conflict only if there is a legitimate reason. This could include self-defense against an aggressor or protecting innocent civilians from imminent harm. The idea here is that there needs to be a morally justifiable cause for resorting to war.

2. Proportionality: This ethical principle emphasizes that the use of force in war should be proportional to the intended purpose. In other words, the amount of violence and harm inflicted in war should not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Adhering to proportionality helps mitigate excessive harm and objectives that are disproportionate to the original just cause.

To find more specific examples, you can refer to scholarly articles and books on just war theory, ethics of war, or international law. Online databases such as JSTOR or Google Scholar can be helpful in locating relevant literature. Additionally, you can search for specific terms such as "positive ethics of war" or "ethical principles in armed conflict" to get more focused results.

Remember, as you finalize your paper, ensure that you make proper citations and give credit to the original sources of the ideas you incorporate. Good luck with your last paragraph!