Propose some signs displayed by learners who need counselling.

1. Poor academic performance or dropping grades

2. Lack of motivation or interest in learning
3. Frequent absences or tardiness
4. Emotional outbursts or sudden mood changes
5. Social withdrawal or isolation
6. Low self-esteem or self-confidence issues
7. Difficulty concentrating or staying focused
8. Persistent feelings of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm
9. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
10. Decreased participation or engagement in class activities

1. Decreased academic performance: One of the primary signs that learners may need counseling is a notable decline in their academic performance. If a student's grades suddenly drop or they consistently underperform compared to previous years, it could indicate that they are struggling with personal or emotional issues that require professional support.

2. Changes in behavior: Students who require counseling may exhibit noticeable changes in their behavior. This could include becoming more withdrawn, having frequent mood swings, appearing excessively angry or irritable, or displaying a sudden lack of interest or participation in activities they previously enjoyed.

3. Poor attendance or frequent tardiness: Learners who consistently miss classes or arrive late may be signaling a need for counseling. Chronic absenteeism or a lack of punctuality can indicate underlying personal or psychological issues that are affecting their ability to engage in the learning process effectively.

4. Social isolation or difficulty in making friends: Students who have trouble forming or maintaining positive relationships with peers may need counseling. Social isolation, a pattern of being excluded or avoiding social interactions, or ongoing conflicts with classmates can indicate underlying emotional difficulties that require intervention.

5. Noticeable changes in appearance or personal hygiene: Learners who are struggling with emotional or psychological issues often neglect their personal appearance or hygiene. Significant changes in their grooming habits, wearing dirty or inappropriate clothing, or a sudden decline in personal care can be indications that they need counseling.

6. Poor self-esteem or self-confidence: Students who exhibit low self-esteem or lack confidence in their abilities may require counseling. They might constantly express negative self-talk, doubt their capabilities, or struggle to accept praise or recognition for their achievements.

7. Impaired concentration or difficulty focusing: Learners who consistently have trouble concentrating or struggle to stay focused on tasks may be in need of counseling. If a student frequently appears distracted, inattentive, or has difficulty processing information, it could suggest underlying mental or emotional challenges that require support.

It's important to note that while these signs may indicate a need for counseling, it's always best to involve a professional counselor or school staff to assess the situation and provide appropriate support.