1.5 The developmental process is influenced greatly by the things individuals experience over time. true or false

1.6 A person can be identified as disabled by looking at him/her when in a wheel chair. true or false

1.7 Emotional intelligence refers to emotional awareness and emotional management skills that provide the ability to balance emotion and moods to minimise long-term happiness. true or false

1.8 Learners who are suspended or expelled from school because of misconduct miss out on academic enrichment and positive peer interactions. true or false

1.5 true

1.6 false

1.7 false

1.8 true

1.5 True. The developmental process is greatly influenced by the things individuals experience over time.

1.6 False. A person cannot be identified as disabled solely based on being in a wheelchair. Disability is not always visible and should not be assumed based on appearance.

1.7 False. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in oneself and others. It is not solely focused on minimizing long-term happiness but includes a range of emotional skills.

1.8 True. Learners who are suspended or expelled from school because of misconduct miss out on academic enrichment and positive peer interactions.