A student observes a roller coaster at locations A, B, C, and D on the track.

Which statement is true according to the bar graph?

(1 point)

The roller coaster destroys potential energy.
The roller coaster destroys potential energy.

The roller coaster creates potential energy, but kinetic energy does not change.
The roller coaster creates potential energy, but kinetic energy does not change.

Both potential and kinetic energy change, but total energy does not change.
Both potential and kinetic energy change, but total energy does not change.

The roller coaster creates kinetic energy.
The roller coaster creates kinetic energy.
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The roller coaster creates kinetic energy.

your wrong

To determine which statement is true according to the bar graph, we need to analyze the information given. The bar graph represents the potential and kinetic energy of the roller coaster at different locations on the track.

If we look at the bar graph, we can see that the potential energy decreases as the roller coaster moves from location A to location D. This indicates that potential energy is being converted into another form of energy. At the same time, the kinetic energy increases as the roller coaster moves from location A to location D. This indicates that kinetic energy is being gained.

Therefore, the correct statement is:

Both potential and kinetic energy change, but total energy does not change.

To determine the statement that is true according to the bar graph, you would need to analyze the changes in potential and kinetic energy throughout the roller coaster's journey.

To do this, you would typically need two types of data: the height of the roller coaster at each location and the speed of the roller coaster at each location. With this information, you can determine how the potential and kinetic energy are changing.

First, let's understand the concepts of potential and kinetic energy:

1. Potential energy: This is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or height. The higher an object is, the more potential energy it has.

2. Kinetic energy: This is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. The faster an object is moving, the more kinetic energy it has.

Now, let's look at the given options:

1. The roller coaster destroys potential energy: According to this option, the roller coaster would decrease in height as it moves along the track, which would result in a decrease in potential energy. However, it does not provide any information about the changes in kinetic energy.

2. The roller coaster creates potential energy, but kinetic energy does not change: According to this option, the roller coaster would increase in height, leading to an increase in potential energy. It suggests that the roller coaster's speed (kinetic energy) remains constant throughout. This statement may not be accurate because in a typical roller coaster ride, the kinetic energy would generally change due to changes in speed.

3. Both potential and kinetic energy change, but total energy does not change: This option suggests that both potential and kinetic energy change, but the total energy remains constant. This statement may be true if the changes in potential and kinetic energy balance each other out, resulting in a consistent total energy. However, without examining the actual data from the bar graph, we cannot determine if this statement holds true.

4. The roller coaster creates kinetic energy: According to this option, the roller coaster generates kinetic energy during its journey. While this statement acknowledges the role of kinetic energy, it does not provide any information about potential energy.

Based on the available options and without access to the actual bar graph data, it is difficult to determine which statement is true. To make a definite conclusion, you would need to analyze the changes in height and speed of the roller coaster at each location as provided in the bar graph.