Each of the following is an European Romance language except

(1 point)





German is not an European Romance language.

Which of the following best describes the difference between Western and Eastern cultures?

(1 point)

Western culture is linked to traditionalism while Eastern culture is linked to industrialization.
Western culture is linked to traditionalism while Eastern culture is linked to industrialization.

Western culture is associated with communism while Eastern culture is more democratic.
Western culture is associated with communism while Eastern culture is more democratic.

Western culture is associated with Islam and Buddhism while Eastern culture is associated with Christianity.
Western culture is associated with Islam and Buddhism while Eastern culture is associated with Christianity.

Western culture is linked to modernization and individualism while Eastern culture is seen as more traditional and collectivist.
Western culture is linked to modernization and individualism while Eastern culture is seen as more traditional and collectivist.
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Western culture is linked to modernization and individualism while Eastern culture is seen as more traditional and collectivist.

Each of the following is one of the predominant religions practiced in Europe today except

(1 point)



Roman Catholic.
Roman Catholic.

Eastern Orthodox.

Judaism is not one of the predominant religions practiced in Europe today.

Europe’s Romance languages are derived from _________, which originated from _________.

(1 point)

Latin/ancient Greek society
Latin/ancient Greek society

Latin/Roman empire
Latin/Roman empire

Italian/Holy Roman empire
Italian/Holy Roman empire

Italian/Spanish empire
Italian/Spanish empire

Europe's Romance languages are derived from Latin, which originated from the Roman Empire.

In his published 95 Theses, Martin Luther protested against

(1 point)

the selling of indulgences within the Catholic church.
the selling of indulgences within the Catholic church.

the belief in predestination.
the belief in predestination.

the worshipping of statues of saints.
the worshipping of statues of saints.

the Catholic church's focus on faith as the sole means of salvation.

In his published 95 Theses, Martin Luther protested against the selling of indulgences within the Catholic church.

Which best describes the basis of European or Western culture?

(1 point)

the Slavic language and culture
the Slavic language and culture

Greek philosophy, Roman law, and the Judeo-Christian tradition
Greek philosophy, Roman law, and the Judeo-Christian tradition

the Protestant, Jewish, and Islamic religions
the Protestant, Jewish, and Islamic religions

collectivism, revolution, and communism