1.27 How to treat learners with respect include………

a) When teachers shout at learners for their wrong doings
b) When teachers ignore learners for being hyperactive all the time
c) When teachers set an example of integrity in class
d) When teachers find it easy to shame learners in front of classmates.

e) When teachers listen to learners' ideas and opinions without dismissing them

f) When teachers provide constructive feedback and encourage self-improvement
g) When teachers acknowledge and appreciate learners' efforts and achievements
h) When teachers create a safe and inclusive learning environment for all learners
i) When teachers treat all learners equally and fairly
j) When teachers actively involve learners in the learning process and value their participation
k) When teachers respect learners' individuality and cultural backgrounds
l) When teachers promote open communication and encourage learners to ask questions and seek clarification.

Treating learners with respect is essential for creating a positive and effective learning environment. Here are some ways to do so:

a) Avoid shouting at learners for their wrongdoings: Instead of resorting to shouting, try to address their mistakes calmly and constructively. Use respectful language and communicate clearly why their behavior or actions were inappropriate.

b) Do not ignore hyperactive learners: Rather than ignoring hyperactive learners, it is important to understand their individual needs and find ways to engage them in class. Provide them with opportunities for movement or hands-on activities that can help channel their energy in a positive way.

c) Set an example of integrity in class: Teachers should model respectful behavior, honesty, and integrity in their interactions with learners. This includes treating all students fairly and equally, listening to their perspectives, and valuing their opinions.

d) Avoid shaming learners in front of classmates: Shaming learners can be detrimental to their self-esteem and hinder their learning progress. Instead, address any disciplinary issues privately and respectfully. Use a supportive and understanding approach to help them understand the consequences of their actions and encourage them to make better choices.

Overall, treating learners with respect involves being patient, empathetic, and creating a safe and positive learning environment where all students feel valued and supported.