"8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" can be described by which algebraic expression?

(1 point)

12x – 8

8 – 12x

12 – 8x

8x – 12

The correct algebraic expression that represents "8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" is 12x - 8.

To find the algebraic expression that represents "8 less than the product of 12 and a number x," we need to understand the given information and translate it into mathematical terms.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the product of 12 and a number x: 12 * x or 12x.

2. We need to subtract 8 from this product, so the expression becomes: 12x - 8.

Therefore, the algebraic expression that represents "8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" is:
12x - 8.

So, the correct answer is 12x – 8.

"8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" can be described by the algebraic expression:

12x - 8