Using context clues, what is the meaning of the word "myriad" in the second paragraph?


A very fewvery few

B fragrantfragrant

C vividly colorful vividly colorful

D an extreme amount ofan extreme amount of
Question 2

D an extreme amount of

To determine the meaning of the word "myriad" in the second paragraph using context clues, you can look for clues within the text that suggest its meaning. Start by examining the surrounding words and phrases to see if they provide any hints. Additionally, consider the overall tone and message of the paragraph.

In this case, the options provided are:

A. very few
B. fragrant
C. vividly colorful
D. an extreme amount of

Based on these options, option D, "an extreme amount of," seems to be the most fitting choice. The use of the word "myriad" suggests that there is a large or vast number of something, which aligns with the idea of an extreme amount.

Based on the given options, the meaning of the word "myriad" in the second paragraph would be D) an extreme amount of.