1. Based on the information given in the table, the skateboarder has the greatest potential energy at point A. Explain why.

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The skateboarder has the greatest potential energy at point A because it is the highest point on the ramp. Potential energy is directly related to an object's height or position relative to the ground. At point A, the skateboarder is at the highest point on the ramp, which means they have the greatest potential energy. As the skateboarder moves down the ramp, their potential energy decreases while their kinetic energy increases.

The table may not have been provided, but based on general knowledge, the potential energy of an object at a certain point is directly related to its height. In this case, point A is most likely the highest point on the skateboarder's path, which means they have the greatest potential energy at that point.

To determine which point has the greatest potential energy, we need to understand what potential energy is. Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or condition. In this case, the skateboarder's potential energy is determined by their height above the ground.

Looking at the table, we can see that point A has the highest value for the height above the ground. This means that the skateboarder is positioned at the greatest height at point A compared to the other points.

Since potential energy is directly proportional to height (among other factors), the skateboarder at point A has the highest potential energy because they are positioned at the highest point above the ground.