How have the Ten Commandments influenced (played a role) in the United States today? CHOOSE ONE ANSWER

Parts of the United States' legal and political systems (laws) are based on it.

They offered a set of guidelines for starting a government.

It created the separation (split) between church and state

It established the democratic form of government (people voting

How were early Israelites different from other people in the Fertile Crescent? choose one

They practiced monotheism
They did not eat meat.

They used iron tools.
They did not live in family groups.

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They practiced monotheism.

Why was Mesopotamia a good place for people to settle? Choose one answer

It was between two rivers, which flooded and left good silt (dirt) for farming.

It had lots of forests to provide wood for building.

It was an island, which made it easy to defend.

It was dry and rocky, which meant other people did not want it and would not try to conquer it.

It was between two rivers, which flooded and left good silt (dirt) for farming.

What does polytheism mean

Polytheism means the belief in or worship of multiple gods or deities.

What religion do Jewish people practice?

Jewish people practice the religion of Judaism.

The correct answer is: Parts of the United States' legal and political systems (laws) are based on it.

The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, have had an influence on the laws and legal system of the United States. While the Constitution of the United States separates church and state, it is undeniable that the principles outlined in the Commandments have influenced the development of laws. Some of the commandments, such as "Thou shall not murder" and "Thou shall not steal," align with the basic principles of morality and ethics that are foundational to many legal systems worldwide.

The influence of the Ten Commandments can be seen in various aspects of the United States' legal system, including common law principles, certain criminal laws, and the idea of personal responsibility. Additionally, the commandments have shaped societal norms and values that underpin the United States' political and ethical framework.

To understand the extent of the influence, one could study the history of lawmaking in the United States, including the historical context in which the laws were passed and developed. Analyzing the writings and speeches of founding fathers, legal scholars, and Supreme Court cases could provide further insights into the role of the Ten Commandments in shaping the laws of the United States.

Parts of the United States' legal and political systems (laws) are based on it.