Use the Associative Property to simplify the expression (9x+3)+(2x−10)

to its simplest equivalent form

You are correct, my mistake. The commutative property was used to rearrange the terms in the expression. So, using the commutative property, we can rearrange the terms as follows:

(9x + 3) + (2x - 10) = 9x + 2x + 3 - 10

Once again, combining like terms, we get:

11x - 7

So, the simplest equivalent form of (9x+3)+(2x−10) is 11x - 7. Thank you for pointing out the error.

Using the associative property, we can rearrange the terms in any way as long as the order of the operations does not change.

(9x + 3) + (2x - 10) can be simplified by rearranging the terms as follows:

9x + 2x + 3 - 10

Combining like terms, we get:

11x - 7

So, the simplest equivalent form of (9x+3)+(2x−10) is 11x - 7.

actually, the commutative property was used, to get

9x+3+2x−10 = 9x+2x+3-10

To simplify the expression using the associative property, we will group like terms together.

The given expression is: (9x+3)+(2x−10)

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
9x + 3 + 2x - 10

Next, let's group the like terms together:
(9x + 2x) + (3 - 10)

Combining the like terms:
11x - 7

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression (9x + 3) + (2x - 10) using the associative property is 11x - 7.

To simplify the expression (9x+3)+(2x−10) using the Associative Property, we need to group the like terms together.

Step 1: First, let's remove the parentheses without changing the signs of the terms inside.


Step 2: Next, follow the Associative Property, which states that you can group the terms in any way as long as you maintain the order of addition.

Let's group the terms with x together and the constant terms together:

(9x + 2x) + (3 - 10)

Step 3: Combine the like terms within each grouping:

11x - 7

So, using the Associative Property, the expression (9x+3)+(2x−10) simplifies to 11x - 7.