A Peasant Family Cooking Over a Campfire

by Bartolomeo Pinelli

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

The image pictured here is conveying what message to you as a viewer?
(1 point)

The family is close but may not have a great amount of money.
The family is close but may not have a great amount of money.

The family is wealthy.
The family is wealthy.

The family is not close and does not spend time together.
The family is not close and does not spend time together.

This is a community function and celebration.

The correct response is: The family is close but may not have a great amount of money.

Dance Before a Fountain

by Nicolas Lancret

Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open
Content Program

A painting shows a woman dressed plainly with an apron using an old fashioned iron to iron shirts.
Woman Ironing
by Edgar Degas

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

The images pictured here were created for similar purposes but convey different messages. Which of the following best describes the purpose and message?
(1 point)

The purpose was to record an important historical event, and both are telling a story of wealthy people.
The purpose was to record an important historical event, and both are telling a story of wealthy people.

The purpose was to create a utilitarian product, and the message was to advertise the product.
The purpose was to create a utilitarian product, and the message was to advertise the product.

The purpose was to create aesthetically pleasing art that conveys a message of daily life events.
The purpose was to create aesthetically pleasing art that conveys a message of daily life events.

The purpose was to record historic events, and the message was life in the time of war.

The correct response is: The purpose was to create aesthetically pleasing art that conveys a message of daily life events.

Commodore Thomas Macdonough

by Gilbert Stuart

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

In Gilbert Stuart's painting, he successfully captured
(1 point)

a casual image of a soldier.
a casual image of a soldier.

a formal image of a soldier.
a formal image of a soldier.

a war scene.
a war scene.

a casual family image.

The correct response is: a formal image of a soldier.

Study of Cloudswith a Sunset near Rome

by Simon Alexandre Clement Denis

Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open
Content Program

The image pictured here is primarily portraying what type of scene?
(1 point)

the middle of a lightning storm
the middle of a lightning storm

clouds gathering before a storm
clouds gathering before a storm

a windy snowstorm
a windy snowstorm

a clear and sunny day
a clear and sunny day

The correct response is: clouds gathering before a storm.

Mrs. Tinkman

by William H. Mumier

Digital image courtesy of the Getty's
Open Content Program

The art of photography created many new options for artists to create images and messages. This image is successful in
(1 point)

portraying the message of the importance of a large family.
portraying the message of the importance of a large family.

showing the woman having a conversation with the child standing next to her.
showing the woman having a conversation with the child standing next to her.

portraying a tranquil family scene.
portraying a tranquil family scene.

creating the illusion and message of a ghostly presence in the woman's life.
creating the illusion and message of a ghostly presence in the woman's life.

The correct response is: portraying a tranquil family scene.

To interpret the message conveyed by the image accurately, we can analyze the elements present in the painting.

1. Take a close look at the setting: The image depicts a peasant family cooking over a campfire. This suggests a simpler means of cooking and implies that they might not have access to a kitchen or modern amenities. This detail points towards a lower socio-economic status.

2. Observe the family dynamics: Notice how the family is gathered around the campfire, engaged in cooking and spending time together. This scene suggests a close-knit family bond and highlights the family's togetherness.

3. Consider the appearance and clothing: Peasants were typically associated with modest attire and limited means, which is depicted in this painting. Their clothing and overall appearance indicate a lack of wealth and luxury.

Based on these observations, it can be inferred that the message conveyed by the image is that the family is close but may not have a great amount of money. Therefore, the correct response would be "The family is close but may not have a great amount of money."