Multiple Choice

Janice, who is 15, posts a picture of herself drinking alcohol and making an obscene gesture on her social networking page. Which of the following are potential consequences that could negatively impact her future? Select all that apply.
(1 point)

A college admissions officer could see it when she applies for college in a few years.
A. A college admissions officer could see it when she applies for college in a few years.

B. A potential employer could see it when doing background research for a summer job she applied for.

C. A friend could see it and untag Janice’s picture.

D. Janice might be embarrassed of the picture.

A. A college admissions officer could see it when she applies for college in a few years.

B. A potential employer could see it when doing background research for a summer job she applied for.

Which of the following contributes to your active digital footprint?

(1 point)

A. adware that secretly tracks your buying behavior online

B. personal information you intentionally enter into a secure website when making a purchase

C. personal data from public records such as home sales

D. information about you from online newspaper articles

B. personal information you intentionally enter into a secure website when making a purchase

D. information about you from online newspaper articles

only one answer

B. personal information you intentionally enter into a secure website when making a purchase

What contributes to your passive digital footprint?

(1 point)

A. entering your address into a website to sign up for a contest

B. cookies that track your online habits

C. uploading a profile picture to a social media site

D. posting information on your personal web page

B. cookies that track your online habits

Why might your digital footprint be important when you are applying to college?

(1 point)

A. The digital footprint is part of the standard college application.

B. Some admissions offices want to go beyond the application to find out what the real you is like.

C. Law enforcement requires colleges to examine digital footprints carefully.

D. Your digital footprint shows you in the best light.

B. Some admissions offices want to go beyond the application to find out what the real you is like.

To answer this question, we need to consider the potential consequences of Janice posting the picture on her social networking page.

A. A college admissions officer could see it when she applies for college in a few years: This is a potential consequence because colleges often review applicants' social media profiles as part of the admissions process. Posting a picture of herself drinking alcohol and making an obscene gesture could reflect poorly on Janice and potentially harm her chances of being accepted into college.

B. A potential employer could see it when doing background research for a summer job she applied for: This is also a potential consequence because employers frequently use social media as a tool for background research on job applicants. If an employer comes across Janice's inappropriate picture, it could negatively impact her chances of being hired for a summer job or any other future employment.

C. A friend could see it and untag Janice's picture: While this is a consequence, it is not necessarily a negative one in terms of impacting Janice's future. It simply means that Janice's friend could remove her from the tagged picture, which might alleviate some potential embarrassment or negative perception from others.

D. Janice might be embarrassed of the picture: This is an emotional consequence for Janice, but it is not directly related to potential negative impacts on her future. Embarrassment alone does not have long-lasting consequences that could affect her college admissions or job opportunities.

Therefore, the potential consequences that could negatively impact Janice's future are A (a college admissions officer could see it) and B (a potential employer could see it).