n North Africa, overgrazing has contributed to which environmental challenge?

(1 point)



lack of clean water
lack of clean water

climate change
climate change


Tense relations between the Hausa people and the Igbos and Yorubas in Nigeria is an example of

ethnic conflict.

How would better education and health care help many African countries improve their economies?

Better education and healthcare can have several positive impacts on African economies:

1. Enhanced human capital: Improving education and healthcare leads to a more skilled and healthy workforce, which is essential for economic productivity and growth. Well-educated and healthy individuals are more likely to contribute effectively to various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries.

2. Increased innovation and technology adoption: Education fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for innovation and technological advancements. A well-educated population can drive the development and adoption of new technologies, leading to increased productivity and competitiveness in various industries.

3. Reduced healthcare costs and improved productivity: Access to affordable and quality healthcare enables individuals to maintain good health and prevents productivity losses due to illnesses. Adequate healthcare facilities and services also decrease the economic burden associated with treating preventable diseases, allowing individuals to allocate their resources towards productive economic activities.

4. Economic diversification: Better education and healthcare can contribute to economic diversification by creating a more skilled and resilient workforce. This can facilitate the development of new sectors and industries, reducing dependency on traditional sectors like agriculture and promoting economic stability and sustainability.

5. Higher labor force participation: Improved education and healthcare, particularly for women and girls, can increase their labor force participation. This can lead to greater gender equality and empowerment, resulting in a larger skilled workforce and increased economic productivity.

6. Attracting foreign investment and fostering trade: A well-educated and healthy population creates a conducive business environment that can attract foreign investors. Countries with a capable workforce and robust healthcare systems are more likely to attract investment and engage in international trade, leading to increased economic growth and development.

Overall, better education and healthcare are critical components in improving human capital, promoting economic development, and reducing poverty in African countries.

How would better education and health care help many African countries improve their economies?

(1 point)

Governments would be able to reduce spending.
Governments would be able to reduce spending.

Countries could rely less on foreign investment.
Countries could rely less on foreign investment.

Workers would be able to produce more.
Workers would be able to produce more.

Governments would become more stable.

Workers would be able to produce more.

What is one economic factor affecting technology in Africa?

(1 point)

decreasing investment in technology hubs
decreasing investment in technology hubs

decreasing jobs in technology
decreasing jobs in technology

increasing competition among Internet providers
increasing competition among Internet providers

lack of infrastructure, especially in technology and energy

lack of infrastructure, especially in technology and energy

Which organ in the excretory system filters blood?(1 point)




