Which expression is simplified by the number given? The number line is -10, -8,, -6, -4 -2 are to the left of the number line 0 is in the center with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 to the right of the number line. the number -8 is between -6 and 2 on the number line. The simplified expression you choose from are a) 2 + (-8) = -10 b) 2 + (-8) = 10 c) 2 + -8 = -10 d) 2 + (-8) = -6

The expression that is simplified by the given number is:

c) 2 + -8 = -10

I thought it would be A. Explain why I am wrong with my answer.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's break down the expression in option A:

2 + (-8) is equivalent to 2 - 8. When subtracting a positive number from another positive number, we simply subtract the numbers and keep the positive sign: 2 - 8 = -6.

The expression in option A simplifies to -6, not -10. Therefore, the correct expression simplified by the given number is:

c) 2 + -8 = -10

Now I see what I did WRONG!!! Thanks!!!!!!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help clarify the confusion. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions.

The expression that is simplified by the given number line is c) 2 + -8 = -10.

To determine which expression is simplified by the given number, we need to evaluate the expression with the given number and see if it matches the result.

The given number is -8, and the expression to evaluate is 2 + (-8).

To simplify this expression, we need to add 2 and -8 together:

2 + (-8) = -6

According to the result we obtained from evaluating the expression with the given number, the correct simplified expression is:

d) 2 + (-8) = -6