Which sentence below contains a vague pronoun?

"The plane was flying, but so slowly, so slowly... it would never reach the lake."

"The pilot did not move except that his head rolled on a neck impossibly loose as the plane hit a small bit of turbulence."

"Look, can't we talk this over? Can't we talk this out? Can't you tell me what's bothering you?" Brian's mother asked him.

"Dust and dirt blew off the floor and into his face so hard there must have been some sort of explosion."


"Look, can't we talk this over? Can't we talk this out? Can't you tell me what's bothering you?" Brian's mother asked him.

The sentence that contains a vague pronoun is sentence C: "Look, can't we talk this over? Can't we talk this out? Can't you tell me what's bothering you?" Brian's mother asked him.