of divides power among several of government. It limits government like this:-No branch gets too much control.-Each can “check” what the branches can do. -Each branch is responsible for a different government function. of governed means citizens give their to be governed by country’s government. It limits government like this: -Citizens the right to vote.-Citizens can use their vote to the government. -Citizens can even change constitution by voting! Rights of the minority the rights of small or unpopular groups. It government like this: the power of the majority.-Makes sure everyone is treated fairly regardless of what the majority

believes.-Protects individual freedoms and liberties from being disregarded by the majority.-Ensures that the rights of all citizens are respected and protected.

Step 1: Division of Power among Several Branches of Government

- The concept of the division of power among several branches of government is known as separation of powers.
- The purpose of this concept is to prevent any single branch from gaining too much control and becoming tyrannical.
- Each branch of government (typically the executive, legislative, and judicial branches) has its own distinct powers and responsibilities.

Step 2: Checks and Balances
- The idea of checks and balances is closely related to the concept of the separation of powers.
- It ensures that each branch of government can "check" the actions of the other branches.
- This system helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful by allowing the branches to limit and balance each other's powers.

Step 3: Different Functions of Each Branch
- Each branch of government is responsible for a specific function in governing the country.
- The executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws and running the government.
- The legislative branch is responsible for making laws.
- The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws and ensuring their constitutionality.

Step 4: Consent of the Governed
- The idea of "consent of the governed" means that citizens willingly give their consent to be governed by their country's government.
- Citizens often give their consent by participating in elections and exercising their right to vote.
- This concept helps limit government power by ensuring that the government derives its legitimacy from the consent of the people it governs.

Step 5: Right to Vote
- One way citizens exercise their consent is through the right to vote.
- Citizens have the right to vote for their representatives in the government.
- This right allows citizens to have a say in the governing of the country.

Step 6: Changing the Constitution
- Another way citizens can exercise their consent is by changing the constitution through the voting process.
- Citizens can propose and vote on amendments to the constitution, which can alter the structure and powers of the government.

Step 7: Rights of the Minority
- Protecting the rights of the minority is an important aspect of limiting government power.
- It ensures that the majority does not dominate or infringe upon the rights of smaller, less popular groups.
- This concept aims to safeguard individual liberties and ensure that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of the majority's preferences.