What is the sum for fraction 7/3 + (-3/8)?

a) 65/24
b) 47/24
c -4/5
d) -5/4

To add fractions, we need to have a common denominator. The common denominator for 3 and 8 is 24.

Converting 7/3 to have a denominator of 24:
(7/3) * (8/8) = 56/24

Converting -3/8 to have a denominator of 24:
(-3/8) * (3/3) = -9/24

Now we can add the fractions:
56/24 + (-9/24) = (56 - 9) / 24 = 47/24

The sum of the fractions 7/3 and -3/8 is 47/24.

So the correct option is b) 47/24.

Which property is illustrated by the statement 8x (5) = (5) 8x?

a) Associative Property of Addition
b) Commutative Property of Multiplication
c) Inverse Property of Multiplication
d) Commutative Property of Addition

The property illustrated by the statement 8x (5) = (5) 8x is the Commutative Property of Multiplication.

According to the Commutative Property of Multiplication, the order of the factors can be changed without affecting the result. In this case, the factors 8 and 5 are multiplied together, and regardless of the order, the product will be the same. Therefore, 8x (5) is equivalent to (5) 8x.

So, the correct option is b) Commutative Property of Multiplication.

To find the sum of fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 7/3 and -3/8 is 24.

Step 1: Convert 7/3 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 24.
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 7/3 by 8: (7 * 8) / (3 * 8) = 56/24.

Step 2: Convert -3/8 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 24.
Multiply the numerator and denominator of -3/8 by 3: (-3 * 3) / (8 * 3) = -9/24.

Step 3: Add the two fractions together.
56/24 + (-9/24) = (56 - 9) / 24 = 47/24.

Therefore, the sum of 7/3 and -3/8 is 47/24.

The correct answer is b) 47/24.