Divide 11 by −4. Write the answer as a mixed number with the correct sign. Show your work.

To divide 11 by -4, we need to divide the absolute values of the numbers and then consider the signs.

The division of 11 by 4 is 2 with a remainder of 3. Therefore, the answer as a mixed number is 2 and 3/4.

Since the denominator of the fraction is positive, the overall sign of the answer will be negative because we originally were dividing positive 11 by negative 4.

Thus, the answer is -2 3/4.

To divide 11 by -4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the absolute values of the numbers: 11 ÷ 4 = 2 remainder 3.

Step 2: Write the result of the division as a whole number: 2.

Step 3: Write the remainder as a fraction over the divisor: 3/4.

Step 4: Determine the sign of the answer based on the signs of the numbers being divided. In this case, since 11 is positive and -4 is negative, the answer will be negative.

Putting it all together, the answer is -2 3/4.