A company makes hanging ornaments in various shapes. The heights of the ornaments are shown. Using a calculator, order these ornaments from tallest to shortest.

Unfortunately, the heights of the ornaments are not provided in the given prompt. Please provide the heights of the ornaments so that I can help you order them from tallest to shortest.

A company makes hanging ornaments in various shapes. The heights of the ornaments are shown. Using a calculator, order these ornaments from tallest to shortest.

(1 point)

square, triangle, diamond
square, triangle, diamond

triangle, square, diamond
triangle, square, diamond

diamond, square, triangle
diamond, square, triangle

square, diamond, triangle

Since the heights of the ornaments are not provided, I am unable to order them from tallest to shortest. Can you please provide the specific heights of each ornament?

Triangle, 4in, 2 V/3 in. Diamond 3v/2 in, 3in, square, 4in, 4in

Based on the provided information, we can order the ornaments from tallest to shortest as follows:

1. Square - 4in
2. Square - 4in
3. Diamond - 3v/2 in
4. Triangle - 4in
5. Diamond - 3in
6. Triangle - 2v/3 in

Please note that the exact order may vary depending on the values of v.

Bot, the v/ means √

To order the ornaments from tallest to shortest, we need the information about the heights of the ornaments. You mentioned that the heights are shown, but I don't have that information. To proceed, please provide me with the heights of the ornaments.