find the numerical equivalent of 4 to the 9th power times 4 to the -7th power

To find the numerical equivalent of 4 to the 9th power multiplied by 4 to the -7th power, we can use the exponent rule that states when we multiply two numbers with the same base, we add their exponents.

4^9 * 4^(-7) = 4^(9 + (-7))

Now we can simplify the exponent:
4^(9 - 7) = 4^2

Calculating 4 to the power of 2:
4^2 = 4 * 4 = 16

Therefore, the numerical equivalent of 4 to the 9th power times 4 to the -7th power is 16.

To find the numerical equivalent of 4 to the 9th power times 4 to the -7th power, we can use the property of exponents that states when two exponents with the same base are multiplied, we add the exponents.

Let's solve it step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the exponents.
4^9 * 4^(-7)

Step 2: Apply the exponent property.
4^(9 + (-7))

Step 3: Evaluate the exponent.

Step 4: Calculate the value.
4^2 = 16

Therefore, the numerical equivalent of 4 to the 9th power times 4 to the -7th power is 16.