True or false irrigated and farmed tbe land


True or false built permanent dwellings


Which of tje following do scientists belive about home sapiens

Scientists believe the following about Homo sapiens:

1. Homo sapiens are the only surviving species of the genus .
2. Homo sapiens evolved in Africa around 300,000 years ago.
3. Homo sapiens are characterized by their complex cognitive abilities, including language, abstract thinking, and problem-solving skills.
4. Homo sapiens have a relatively large brain size compared to other primates.
5. Homo sapiens have the ability to cooperate and communicate effectively, leading to the development of complex social structures.
6. Homo sapiens have the capacity for cultural development, including the creation of tools, art, and rituals.
7. Homo sapiens are bipedal, meaning they walk on two legs.

It is important to note that scientific understanding is always evolving, and new discoveries can change our understanding of Homo sapiens.

Is it tjey were the earliest ansestors of modern human beings

Yes, Homo sapiens are considered the earliest ancestors of modern human beings. They are the species to which all living humans belong.

Every year the nile river flooded depositing blank in the nile delta and allowing crops to grow in egypts arid climaye answer goes where the word blank is

Every year the Nile River flooded, depositing nutrient-rich silt in the Nile Delta and allowing crops to grow in Egypt's arid climate.

Is it grains