Which sentence contains a plural collective noun?(1 point)


The choir was going to sing the National Anthem.
The choir was going to sing the National Anthem.

The audience was ready for the game to begin.
The audience was ready for the game to begin.

The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.
The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.

The team was scheduled to play on Sunday.

The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.

Which sentence displays correct subject-verb agreement?(1 point)


The herd is in the north pasture.
The herd is in the north pasture.

The herd remain in the barn.
The herd remain in the barn.

The herd have calves in the spring.
The herd have calves in the spring.

The herd are milked each morning.

The sentence "The visiting team were putting on their uniforms." contains a plural collective noun.

The correct answer is: "The visiting team were putting on their uniforms." This sentence contains the plural collective noun "team" being referred to in the plural form "were" and "their". To identify this sentence as the correct answer, you would need to understand the concept of collective nouns and pluralization in English grammar. Collective nouns refer to groups of people, animals, or things, and can be either singular or plural depending on whether the emphasis is on the group as a whole or the individual members within the group. In this case, "team" is being referred to as a plural unit, so the verb and pronoun are also in the plural form.