Artists can use color, line, and shape to represent emotions and feelings. Image A uses bright colors in the piece. Image B uses dark colors in the piece. How do the dark colors change the emotions portrayed in Image B?

(1 point)

Image A and B represent similar emotions.
Image A and B represent similar emotions.

Image B is more cheerful.
Image B is more cheerful.

Image B is more realistic.
Image B is more realistic.

Image B is more somber.
Image B is more somber.

Image B is more somber.

The artist used the image to convey a message. What message does this image present?

(1 point)

There are consequences for your actions.
There are consequences for your actions.

Do not worry about consequences for your actions. Just have fun.
Do not worry about consequences for your actions. Just have fun.

There are never any consequences for actions.
There are never any consequences for actions.

The next town off of the highway is called Consequences.

There are consequences for your actions.

It may be difficult to express how you feel to others. Many times, an image can tell more than you can. What emotion does this image show?

(1 point)





Based on the given information, it is not possible to determine the specific emotion shown in the image.

Image B is more somber.

The dark colors in Image B change the emotions portrayed in the piece by making it more somber. Dark colors are typically associated with feelings of sadness, mystery, and seriousness. By using dark colors, the artist is able to convey a sense of melancholy or a more serious tone in the artwork. This can evoke a different emotional response compared to the bright colors used in Image A, which may create a more cheerful or vibrant mood.