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What other information do you need in order to prove the triangles congruent using the SAS Congruence Postulate?

In order to prove triangles congruent using the SAS (Side-Angle-Side) Congruence Postulate, you would need the following information:

1. Two pairs of corresponding sides are congruent.
2. The included angles formed by the congruent sides are congruent.

Therefore, to prove triangles congruent using the SAS Congruence Postulate, you would need to know the measures of the two congruent sides and the measure of the included angle between them for both triangles.

In order to prove triangles congruent using the SAS (Side-Angle-Side) Congruence Postulate, you need the following information:

1. Side-Side (SS) congruence: You need to know that two sides of one triangle are congruent to two sides of the other triangle.

2. Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) congruence: You need to know that two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding two angles and the included side of the other triangle.

3. Corresponding parts of congruent triangles: You need to know that when two triangles are congruent, all corresponding angles and sides are also congruent.

4. Corollaries of Congruence Postulates: You might also need to use corollaries that are derived from the congruence postulates to establish additional relationships between the given information.

To prove the triangles congruent using the SAS Congruence Postulate, you could follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given information. Make sure you have information about two sides of one triangle that are congruent to two sides of the other triangle.

Step 2: Identify the shared angle between the congruent sides. This is referred to as the included angle.

Step 3: Use the given information to write the congruence statement for the triangles, using the format ∆ABC≅∆XYZ or ∆ABC≡∆XYZ, where A and X represent the vertices of the triangles, B and Y represent the endpoints of the congruent sides, and C and Z represent the remaining vertices of the triangles.

Step 4: State the reason for using the SAS Congruence Postulate, which is the given information that satisfies the requirements of the postulate.

Step 5: Use the corresponding parts of congruent triangles to establish additional congruence relationships between corresponding angles and sides.

Step 6: State the conclusion of the proof, which is that the triangles are congruent by SAS Congruence Postulate.

Remember to provide all the necessary information and reasons to support each step of the proof.