A solid cylinder has a radius of 5.1 cm and a height of 3.7 cm.

Use 𝜋 on your calculator and not 3.14 or 3.142 for answering the questions.
Calculate the base area of the cylinder.

The base area of a cylinder is given by the formula:

Base Area = π * r^2

Where π is the mathematical constant pi (approximately equal to 3.14159) and r is the radius of the cylinder.

Plugging in the given values:
Base Area = π * (5.1 cm)^2

Using π on the calculator:
Base Area ≈ 3.14159 * (5.1 cm)^2 ≈ 81.68000 cm^2

Therefore, the base area of the cylinder is approximately 81.68 cm^2.

To calculate the base area of the cylinder, we can use the formula A = 𝜋 * r^2, where A is the base area and r is the radius.

Given that the radius of the cylinder is 5.1 cm, we can substitute it into the formula:

A = 𝜋 * (5.1 cm)^2

Now, let's calculate the base area using the value of 𝜋 provided on your calculator:

A = 𝟑.𝟏𝟒𝟏𝟗 ∗ (𝟓.𝟏 𝒄𝒎)^𝟐

A ≈ 𝟏𝟑𝟑.𝟑𝟒 𝒄𝒎^𝟐

So, the base area of the cylinder is approximately 133.34 cm^2.