. Identify TWO traits of narrative nonfiction text.

(2 points)

Descriptive writing
Descriptive writing

Mostly literal language
Mostly literal language

Personal perspectives
Personal perspectives

Exclusion of dialogue
Exclusion of dialogue
Question 11
Use the paragraph to answer the question be


One trait of narrative nonfiction text is descriptive writing. This means that the author uses specific and detailed language to paint a vivid picture for the reader. The author may describe people, places, or events in great detail to help the reader visualize the story.

Another trait of narrative nonfiction text is personal perspectives. Unlike purely informational nonfiction, narrative nonfiction often includes the author's personal experiences and reflections. The author may share their thoughts, feelings, and insights about the events or people they are writing about. This adds a personal touch to the narrative and allows the reader to connect more deeply with the story.

Overall, narrative nonfiction combines descriptive writing and personal perspectives to create a compelling and engaging story while still maintaining a basis in truth.

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