What isv-4 5/11 - 2 4/11

To subtract mixed numbers, follow these steps:

1. Find the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions.
2. Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
3. Subtract the fractions.
4. Simplify, if needed.

Step 1: The least common denominator (LCD) of 11 is itself. So we do not need to find a new denominator.

Step 2: Converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
v-4 5/11 = (11 * v - 4 + 5) / 11 = (11v - 4 + 5) / 11 = (11v + 1) / 11
2 4/11 = (11 * 2 + 4) / 11 = (22 + 4) / 11 = 26/11

Step 3: Subtract the fractions:
(11v + 1) / 11 - 26/11 = (11v + 1 - 26) / 11 = (11v - 25) / 11

Step 4: Simplify, if needed. Since we cannot simplify any further, the result is:
v-4 5/11 - 2 4/11 = (11v - 25) / 11

To subtract mixed fractions like V-4 5/11 and 2 4/11, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions.
V-4 5/11 = (11 * V2) + 5/11 = 33/11 + 5/11 = 38/11
2 4/11 = (11 * 2) + 4/11 = 22/11 + 4/11 = 26/11

Step 2: Subtract the two fractions.
38/11 - 26/11 = (38 - 26)/11 = 12/11

Therefore, V-4 5/11 - 2 4/11 equals 12/11.