A student arranges two blocks of copper next to each other so that they are touching. At the start of the experiment, Block 1’s temperature is 40°C, and Block 2’s temperature is 20°C. The two blocks remain in an isolated system until all heat energy is transferred. Which picture correctly shows the blocks’ ending temperatures?(1 point)


30c 30c

50c 20c
20c 50c
70c 70c

The correct picture would be:

70°C 70°C

Unfortunately, without the pictures provided, I am unable to determine which picture correctly shows the blocks' ending temperatures.


When you add cold milk and hot chocolate, they will slowly blend as the cooler liquid mixes with the warmer liquid. Eventually, the heat will be spread out evenly through the entire liquid. Which statement best explains why this happens?(1 point)

Heat always moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature.
Heat always moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature.

Cold liquids rise and hot liquids sink making the liquids mix.
Cold liquids rise and hot liquids sink making the liquids mix.

The molecules of the two liquids form chemical bonds to spread energy.
The molecules of the two liquids form chemical bonds to spread energy.

The liquids attract each other because the densities of the liquids are the same.
The liquids attract each other because the densities of the liquids are the same.
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I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot view or interpret pictures. However, based on the information provided, the two blocks of copper will eventually reach the same temperature due to heat transfer. The final temperature will be somewhere between 40°C and 20°C, depending on the specific properties of the copper blocks and the time taken for heat transfer.

To determine the ending temperatures of the two blocks, we need to understand how heat is transferred between objects in an isolated system.

Heat transfer occurs through three main processes: conduction, convection, and radiation. In this scenario, we can safely assume that conduction is the dominant mechanism of heat transfer since the blocks are in direct contact.

When two objects of different temperatures come into contact, heat flows from the hotter object to the cooler object until they reach thermal equilibrium, where their temperatures are equal.

In this case, Block 1 has a higher initial temperature of 40°C, while Block 2 has a lower initial temperature of 20°C. Since heat flows from hotter to colder objects, heat will transfer from Block 1 to Block 2 until both blocks reach the same temperature.

Therefore, the correct picture showing the blocks' ending temperatures would depict both blocks at the same temperature, which would be the temperature that exists between the initial temperature of Block 1 (40°C) and the initial temperature of Block 2 (20°C), i.e., 30°C.

To visually identify the correct picture, look for the one that shows both blocks at the same temperature, preferably 30°C.