self-goverment is

a system in which a group of people govern themselves and make decisions collectively, without outside interference or influence. It involves individuals taking responsibility for their own actions and participating in the decision-making process that affects their community or society. Self-government can be practiced at various levels, such as in local communities, organizations, or larger political entities. It requires a commitment to democratic principles, including equality, fairness, and respect for individual rights and liberties.

Self-government refers to a system where a community or organization has the ability to govern itself autonomously, without external interference or control. It essentially means that the people within a community have the power and authority to make decisions and set rules that are in the best interest of the group. Self-government can be applied at various levels, from local communities to entire nations. It allows individuals to participate in the decision-making process and take responsibility for their own affairs. Self-government can promote independence, democracy, and accountability within a community.