2. How were early Israelites different from other people in the Fertile Crescent?(1 point)


They did not live in family groups.
They did not live in family groups.

They practiced monotheism.
They practiced monotheism.

They did not eat meat.
They did not eat meat.

They used iroN

They practiced monotheism.

are you sure

The early Israelites were different from other people in the Fertile Crescent in the following ways:

1. They practiced monotheism: Unlike other people in the region who believed in multiple gods, the early Israelites believed in and worshipped only one God.

2. They did not live in family groups: The early Israelites lived in tribes and were organized into twelve distinct tribes, each descended from one of the sons of Jacob.

3. They did not eat meat: While this is not necessarily a characteristic that applies to all early Israelites, certain religious dietary laws were established later in their history, which included restrictions on certain types of meat.

4. They used iron: The Israelites were known for their proficiency in ironworking, which gave them a technological advantage over other groups in the Fertile Crescent. This allowed them to develop more advanced weaponry and tools.

To determine how early Israelites were different from other people in the Fertile Crescent, one way is to analyze the given options and eliminate the incorrect ones based on our knowledge of the Israelites and the Fertile Crescent.

1. They did not live in family groups:
This option can be eliminated as it is not true. Early Israelites did live in family groups, just like other people in the Fertile Crescent.

2. They practiced monotheism:
This option indicates a significant difference between early Israelites and other people in the Fertile Crescent. The Israelites were known for their monotheistic beliefs, worshiping only one god, while the surrounding civilizations of the Fertile Crescent practiced polytheism, worshiping multiple gods. Therefore, this option is correct.

3. They did not eat meat:
This option can be eliminated as it is not true. Early Israelites did eat meat, like many other people in the Fertile Crescent.

4. They used iron:
This option does not provide clear information about the difference between early Israelites and others in the Fertile Crescent. While the use of iron can be a relevant factor in understanding cultural differences, it is not specific to the Israelites. Many other civilizations in the Fertile Crescent also utilized iron. Therefore, this option is not necessarily correct.

Based on the analysis, the correct option is:
- They practiced monotheism.

Therefore, the early Israelites were different from other people in the Fertile Crescent because they practiced monotheism.