Sobremesa is an important cultural practice in the Spanish speaking world that can best be described as

an after-meal ritual of enjoying a sweet treat. It is a time for people to gather, relax, and socialize while indulging in a dessert or a sweet drink. Sobremesa can last for hours, as it is seen as an opportunity to continue the conversation and bond with family and friends. It is a cherished tradition that showcases the importance of leisure, connection, and savoring the pleasures of life in the Spanish speaking world.

Sobremesa is an important cultural practice in the Spanish speaking world that can best be described as the leisurely period of time spent with family or friends after a meal, typically accompanied by conversation, coffee, and various desserts. It is a cherished tradition that emphasizes the social aspect of dining and allows people to relax, engage in meaningful conversations, and deepen their connections with others. Sobremesa often extends beyond the physical act of eating to create an atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment.