Which of the following describes members of an extended family?(1 point

There are no options provided in the question, so it is not possible to provide a correct answer.

To determine which of the following options describes members of an extended family, you will need to assess each option individually. Here are some possible defining characteristics of extended family members:

Option 1: "Close relatives who live in the same household"
This statement describes immediate family members, such as parents, children, and siblings, rather than extended family members.

Option 2: "Relatives who are geographically dispersed"
This statement accurately describes members of an extended family. Extended family members typically reside in different locations, often spanning beyond immediate family members.

Option 3: "Relatives who live in the same city"
This statement may include both immediate and extended family members, as they can live in the same city. However, it also encompasses immediate family members who live in the same household or nearby.

Option 4: "Relatives who share the same last name"
This statement does not exclusively define extended family members. While it is possible for extended family members to share the same last name, it is not a determining factor.

Therefore, option 2: "Relatives who are geographically dispersed" best describes members of an extended family. They are generally relatives who live in different locations and are not limited to immediate family members.

Members of an extended family are typically related to each other beyond the immediate family unit. They can include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives who are not part of the nuclear family.