What is the positive space in the following photograph? Select all that apply.

A close-up view shows several sharp pencils arranged with the points up. The background is white.
(1 point)

blurry pencil tips
blurry pencil tips

focused pencil tips
focused pencil tips

spaces between pencil tips
spaces between pencil tips

white background

focused pencil tips

spaces between pencil tips
white background

In the following photograph, the positive space refers to the main subject or objects that are the main focus of the image. Based on the description provided, the positive spaces are:

1. Focused pencil tips - The sharp pencils that are arranged with their points up are the main subject of the photograph, and they are in focus.

2. Spaces between pencil tips - The gaps or spaces between the pencil tips can also be considered as positive space because they contribute to the overall composition and arrangement of the pencils.

Therefore, the positive spaces in the photograph would be the focused pencil tips and the spaces between the pencil tips.