Use the Commutative Property to determine the missing step in proving the equivalence of 12a+10+a=10+a+12a.

Step 1: [missing]

Step 2: 10+13a=10+13a

Step 3: The expressions are equivalent because they both equal the same value.

(1 point)

d plus 10 plus a equals 10 plus a plus d

d plus 10 plus a equals 10 plus a plus d

d plus 10 plus a equals 10 plus a plus d

d plus 10 plus a equals 10 plus a plus d
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The missing step in proving the equivalence of 12a+10+a=10+a+12a is:

12a+10+a = 10+a+12a

Step 1: 12a+10+a=10+a+12a (Commutative Property)