Your friend Chadwick is trying to factor the polynomial 6x^3+8x^2+15x+20. "I noticed that I could group the first and the third terms; this would help me begin to factor the polynomial,” says Chadwick. You notice that another equally valid grouping would be to group the first and second terms, with a common factor of 2x2, and the third and fourth terms, with a common factor of 5. Given that both of these first steps are valid, which of the following options is not equivalent to Chadwick’s polynomial?

Option 1: 2x^2(3x+4)+5(3x+4)

Option 2: 3x(2x^2+5)+4(2x^2+5)

Option 3: 5(2x^2+3x)+4x(2x+5)

The correct option that is not equivalent to Chadwick's polynomial is Option 3: 5(2x^2+3x)+4x(2x+5).

Option 3: 5(2x^2+3x)+4x(2x+5) is not equivalent to Chadwick's polynomial, 6x^3+8x^2+15x+20.