Translate the following word problem Cary spends $6.50 on snacks at a gas station. He also buys gas which cost $2.78 per gallon if you spend a total of $24 at the gas station how many gallons of gas did he buy?

1. 6.50 + 2.78 =24.00
2. 2.78 + 6.50 = 24.00
3. 2.78 -6.50 = 24.00
4. 6.50 - 2.76= 24.00

None of the provided options is the correct translation of the word problem.

To solve the problem, we set up an equation. Let the unknown variable be the number of gallons of gas Cary bought. The cost of gas can be calculated by multiplying the number of gallons by the cost per gallon, which is $2.78. The total cost at the gas station is $24, so we can write the equation:

6.50 + (2.78 * number of gallons) = 24

We can then solve for the number of gallons by subtracting 6.50 from both sides of the equation:

2.78 * number of gallons = 17.50

Dividing both sides by 2.78 gives us:

number of gallons = 17.50 / 2.78

So Cary bought approximately 6.29 gallons of gas.

To solve the word problem, we need to find the cost of the gas that Cary bought. We can do this by subtracting the cost of snacks ($6.50) from the total amount spent at the gas station ($24.00).

So, the calculation would be:

24.00 - 6.50 = $17.50

Therefore, Cary spent $17.50 on gas.

Next, to find how many gallons of gas Cary bought, we can divide the cost of gas by the cost per gallon ($2.78).

So, the calculation would be:

17.50 / 2.78 = 6.29 (approximately)

Therefore, Cary bought approximately 6.29 gallons of gas.