Translate the following word problem Cary spends $6.50 on snacks at a gas station. He also buys gas which cost $2.78 per gallon if you spend a total of $24 at the gas station how many gallons of gas did he buy?

To find the number of gallons of gas Cary bought, we need to determine the difference between the total amount he spent and the amount he spent on snacks.

Step 1: Let's set up an equation to represent the given information.
Let x be the number of gallons of gas Cary bought.
The cost of gas per gallon is $2.78.
The total amount Cary spent is $24.
The amount spent on snacks is $6.50.
Therefore, the equation is: $2.78x + $6.50 = $24.

Step 2: Let's solve the equation for x.
First, subtract $6.50 from both sides of the equation: $2.78x = $24 - $6.50.
Simplifying, we have $2.78x = $17.50.

Step 3: To find x, divide both sides of the equation by $2.78.
x = $17.50 / $2.78 ≈ 6.29.

Therefore, Cary bought approximately 6.29 gallons of gas.

Let's solve this problem step by step.

First, we need to find out how much money Cary spent on gas.

Total money spent at the gas station = Money spent on snacks + Money spent on gas
Total money spent at the gas station = $6.50 + $2.78 (Money spent on gas is given as cost per gallon)

Total money spent at the gas station = $9.28

Since we know that the total money spent at the gas station was $24, we can set up an equation to find out how many gallons of gas Cary bought.

Total money spent at the gas station = Cost per gallon * Number of gallons of gas
$24 = $2.78 * Number of gallons of gas

Now, we need to solve this equation to find out the value of "Number of gallons of gas."

24 ÷ 2.78 = Number of gallons of gas
≈ 8.63

Therefore, Cary bought approximately 8.63 gallons of gas.