

(simplify your answer type an integer or a fraction).

(1/2)^5 = 1/32

simpify 5^2+2^2-1^2/8/2*4*1/4=

To simplify the expression:

5^2 + 2^2 - 1^2 / 8 / 2 * 4 * 1 / 4

First, solve any exponents:
25 + 4 - 1 / 8 / 2 * 4 * 1 / 4

Next, perform any multiplication and division from left to right:
25 + 4 - 1 / 8 / 2 * 4 * 1 / 4
25 + 4 - 1 / 4 * 4 * 1 / 4
25 + 4 - 1 / 1 * 1
25 + 4 - 1
29 - 1

Therefore, the simplified expression is 28.

To evaluate (1/2)^5, we need to raise 1/2 to the power of 5.

(1/2)^5 can be simplified by multiplying the numerator and denominator by themselves repeatedly:

(1/2)^5 = (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2)

When we multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together:

(1 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1) / (2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2) = 1/32

Therefore, (1/2)^5 simplifies to 1/32.