What is a context clue?(1 point)


text near a word that helps clarify its meaning
text near a word that helps clarify its meaning

a detail that helps readers guess what might happen
a detail that helps readers guess what might happen

a dictionary definition for a word
a dictionary definition for a word

the feeling or impression a word gives readers

the feeling or impression a word gives readers

If generate means “to produce,” what does regenerate mean?(1 point)


to produce the opposite
to produce the opposite

to produce the most
to produce the most

to produce too many
to produce too many

to produce again

to produce again

Which words might be the guide words on a dictionary page for adage?(1 point)


acute and additional
acute and additional

addled and address
addled and address

adapt and administration
adapt and administration

acumen and adactyly

addled and address

What does a diacritical mark do?(1 point)


explains the context for a word
explains the context for a word

shows how to pronounce words
shows how to pronounce words

shows the synonyms of a word
shows the synonyms of a word

explains the origin of a word

shows how to pronounce words

Use the dictionary definition to answer the question.

discontent (dis kәn ‘tent) adj.

unhappy with the state of things
How is the letter o in the second syllable pronounced?

(1 point)






A context clue is the text near a word that helps clarify its meaning. It provides additional information or hints about the definition of a word. Context clues can be obtained by looking at the words or phrases that surround the word in question and using that information to make an educated guess about its meaning. By analyzing the context, readers can better understand unfamiliar vocabulary words or phrases.