Which of the following might a limited government be more likely to do than a unlimited government?

A limited government is more likely to respect individual rights and freedoms, place restrictions on its own powers, and have checks and balances in place to ensure accountability. It is also more likely to rely on market forces and decentralized decision-making rather than heavy government intervention in the economy. Additionally, a limited government is more likely to have a smaller bureaucracy and lower taxes compared to an unlimited government.

A limited government is more likely to do the following than an unlimited government:

1. Respect and protect individual rights: Limited governments are usually established to ensure that citizens' rights are respected and protected. They are less likely to infringe on individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, or assembly.

2. Abide by the rule of law: Limited governments tend to uphold and follow the rule of law. This means that they operate within a framework of established laws and regulations, providing stability and predictability for citizens.

3. Establish checks and balances: Limited governments often have systems in place to prevent the concentration of power and to ensure accountability. Separation of powers, where governmental functions are divided among different branches, is a common feature of limited governments.

4. Encourage and protect economic freedom: Limited governments generally support free markets, competition, and private property rights. They strive to create an environment where businesses can grow, innovate, and operate without excessive government interference.

5. Respect the principle of federalism: Limited governments frequently embrace the concept of federalism, where power is shared between a central government and regional or local governments. This allows for more localized decision-making and better representation of diverse interests.

It's important to note that the extent to which a government is limited or unlimited can vary. These characteristics generally apply to limited governments, but specific policies and actions may differ depending on the circumstances and the country in question.