What should be your first task when you begin a new lesson

When starting a new lesson, the first task should be to review any materials or information provided by the teacher or instructor. This could include reading the lesson objectives, going through any assigned readings or worksheets, and familiarizing oneself with the topic or subject matter. Understanding what will be covered and what is expected will help set a foundation for effective learning and engagement throughout the lesson.

When beginning a new lesson, your first task should be to review the objectives or learning outcomes of the lesson. This will give you a clear understanding of what you should be able to accomplish or understand by the end of the lesson. It will also help you to focus your attention on the most important information and concepts that you will be learning.

Additionally, you should preview the lesson content and materials. This may involve reading the assigned reading or textbook chapters, watching videos, or reviewing any other materials provided by your instructor or course materials. By previewing the content, you can get an overview of the main ideas and concepts that will be covered in the lesson, which will help you to better understand and retain the information.

Lastly, you should gather any necessary materials or resources that you will need for the lesson. This may include notebooks, pens, textbooks, online resources, or any other materials specified by your instructor. Having all the necessary materials ready will help you stay organized and focus on the content without any interruptions.