Which of the following activities will best help you develop your ability to advocate, or speak out in support, for healthy activities?

(1 point)

Use the DECIDE model to make decisions.
Use the DECIDE model to make decisions.

Communicate health advice to your family.
Communicate health advice to your family.

Develop a plan to achieve a long-term goal.
Develop a plan to achieve a long-term goal.

Search the Internet for a new doctor.

You develop positive interactions with your peers.

Communicate health advice to your family.

Which of the following best describes a person with social health?

(1 point)

You respond appropriately to a failing grade.
You respond appropriately to a failing grade.

You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.
You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.

You run daily to prepare for a 5K.
You run daily to prepare for a 5K.

You develop positive interactions with your peers.

Two factors that can be used to evaluate ________ are life expectancy and quality of life.

(1 point)






The health continuum is a representation of where your current health status falls—somewhere between illness and wellness. Identify the health status that might cause a decline in health and move you toward a state of illness.

(1 point)

enthusiasm for life
enthusiasm for life

feeling of well-being
feeling of well-being

low energy level
low energy level

strong sense of purpose

low energy level

Choices you make in life affect your overall health and your position on the health continuum. Which choice may have an impact on your life to move you toward a higher state of wellness?

(1 point)

sleeping for only 2 hours every night
sleeping for only 2 hours every night

drinking several glasses of soda every day
drinking several glasses of soda every day

riding the elevator to the second floor every day
riding the elevator to the second floor every day

walking one mile every day

walking one mile every day

Which one of the risk factors that influence your health may be the most difficult for you to control as a young teen?

(1 point)

Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?
Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?

Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?
Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?

Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?
Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?

Do you see a doctor for regular check-ups?