The Hills and canyons of california provide all three of a wildfire's needs in abundance. Dry brush and small shrubs and trees encircle the towns. santa Ana winds blow steadily. The winds pick up twigs or small embers and carry them miles away. Dry lighting is a common occurence, too, and tourist' campfires, broken electric lines, or even dropped cigarettes can spark a fire. (Which is the best the best summary of the information in this paragraph?)

The hills and canyons of California provide the perfect conditions for wildfires, with abundant dry vegetation, Santa Ana winds that can carry sparks for miles, and various sources of ignition.

The Hills and canyons of California are prone to wildfires due to the abundance of dry vegetation, the presence of Santa Ana winds that can carry sparks or embers, and the occurrence of dry lightning. Additionally, human activities such as campfires, broken electric lines, or dropped cigarettes can also ignite fires.

The hills and canyons of California offer favorable conditions for wildfires due to the abundance of dry vegetation, the presence of Santa Ana winds that can spread embers over long distances, and various common ignition sources such as dry lightning, campfires, and discarded cigarettes.