Based on the population distribution shown in the table, which statement correctly evaluates the cause of increased migration to the U.S.?

(1 point)

A. There was a trend of migration within the US. from urban to rural cities

B. The Industrial Revolution created more jobs in rural than urban areas.

C.There was overseas migration from Europe and Asia to US port towns

D.The Industrial Revolution created more agricultural jobs over time.

C. There was overseas migration from Europe and Asia to US port towns

To evaluate the cause of increased migration to the U.S., you need to look at the population distribution shown in the table and determine which statement accurately describes the situation.

First, let's consider the options:

A. This option suggests that there was a trend of migration within the U.S. from urban to rural cities. However, the population distribution from the table is needed to assess whether this statement is accurate.

B. This option states that the Industrial Revolution created more jobs in rural areas than in urban areas. Again, you would need to refer to the population distribution from the table to check if this statement aligns with the data.

C. This option suggests that overseas migration from Europe and Asia to U.S. port towns was the cause of increased migration. To verify if this statement is correct, we need to investigate if the population distribution in the table supports this claim.

D. This option posits that the Industrial Revolution led to an increase in agricultural jobs over time. Similarly, the population distribution from the table is required to verify if this statement is accurate.

To find the answer, you should analyze the population distribution data from the table thoroughly. Identify any patterns or trends that may provide insights into the cause of increased migration to the U.S. Consider factors such as population growth in certain regions, changes in urban and rural population sizes, and any notable demographic shifts. By examining and interpreting the data from the table, you will be able to determine which statement correctly evaluates the cause of increased migration to the U.S.

The correct answer is C. There was overseas migration from Europe and Asia to US port towns. This is because the table presented implies a significant increase in population in port towns (urban areas) compared to rural areas. This suggests that there was migration from other countries to the United States, resulting in increased population in urban areas.