Abraham needs one-half of a point to get an A– in Math. What rational number can be used to represent the number of points needed for Abraham to get an A–?

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The rational number that can represent the number of points needed for Abraham to get an A– in Math is 0.5.

In the grading system, an A– typically represents a numerical grade between 90 and 93, depending on the scale used by the educational institution. Assuming that the maximum grade is 100, Abraham must score at least 90.5 to achieve this A– grade. Since a point is the smallest unit of measurement, the requirement for Abraham to obtain an A– can be represented by the rational number 0.5.

Place the following numbers in order as they would appear on a number line, left to right: −2.0, 0.25, −1.02, 1.98?

On a number line, the numbers would appear in the following order from left to right:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98

Find the sum of p and q if p=34 and q=−114. Reduce your answer to lowest terms?

To find the sum of p and q, we simply need to add the two numbers:

p + q = 34 + (-114)

This can be simplified as:

p + q = -80

Therefore, the sum of p and q is -80.

Add (−12) and (−15).

To add -12 and -15, simply add the numbers together:

-12 + (-15) = -27

Therefore, the sum of -12 and -15 is -27.

Add 10.82+(−15.96).

To add 10.82 and -15.96, simply add the numbers together:

10.82 + (-15.96) = -5.14

Therefore, the sum of 10.82 and -15.96 is -5.14.