Sara discarded 1/10 of the apples she picked as defective. Of the apples remaining, 300 were made into cider. The rest were sold as fresh fruit. What fraction of the total apples picked were sold as fresh fruit?(1 point)

not enough information




To solve this problem, we need to find the fraction of the total apples that were sold as fresh fruit.

Let's assume Sara picked a total of x apples.

Sara discarded 1/10 of the apples, which means she had 9/10 of the x apples remaining.

Out of the remaining apples, 300 were made into cider. Therefore, the number of apples sold as fresh fruit is (9/10)x - 300.

To find the fraction of the total apples sold as fresh fruit, we divide the number of apples sold as fresh fruit by the total number of apples picked:

[(9/10)x - 300] / x

Simplifying this expression, we get:

(9x/10 - 300) / x

= 9/10 - 300/x

Since we don't have the value of x, we can't determine the exact fraction. Hence, the answer is insufficient information.

To find the fraction of the total apples picked that were sold as fresh fruit, we need to know the total number of apples picked by Sara. However, the question does not provide this information. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact fraction.

The correct answer is "not enough information".

To determine the fraction of the total apples picked that were sold as fresh fruit, we need to calculate the fraction that were not discarded and not made into cider.

Let's denote the total number of apples picked as x.

Since Sara discarded 1/10 of the apples, the fraction discarded is 1/10 * x = x/10.

The remaining apples are given by (total apples - fraction discarded) = x - x/10.

Out of these remaining apples, 300 were made into cider, so the apples sold as fresh fruit can be found by subtracting 300 from the remaining apples: (x - x/10) - 300.

To represent this fraction, we write (x - x/10 - 300) / x.

Simplifying this, we get:
(10x - x - 3000) / 10x = (9x - 3000) / 10x.

Therefore, the fraction of the total apples picked that were sold as fresh fruit is (9x - 3000) / 10x.

Since the value of x (the total number of apples picked) is not given in the question, we cannot determine the precise fraction. Thus, the answer is "not enough information".