Desiree is making guacamole for a party. The recipe she is using valls for 1/4 cup lime juice for ebery 4 avocados. If she plans to use 1 cup of lime juive how many avocados does she need

If the recipe calls for 1/4 cup of lime juice for every 4 avocados, it means that for 1 cup of lime juice, Desiree will need:

1 cup lime juice * (4 avocados / 1/4 cup lime juice)
= 1 cup lime juice * (4 avocados / (1/4))
= 1 cup lime juice * (4 avocados * (4/1))
= 1 cup lime juice * 16 avocados
= 16 avocados

Therefore, Desiree will need 16 avocados.

To find out how long it will take Rubio to walk to his friend's house, we need to determine the time it takes for him to walk 1 mile at his pace of 2/3 mile in 16 minutes.

Let's set up a proportion to solve for the time it will take:
(2/3 mile) / 16 minutes = 1 mile / x minutes

To find x (the time it will take), we can cross multiply:
(2/3) * x = 16 * 1
2x/3 = 16
2x = 3 * 16
2x = 48
x = 48 / 2
x = 24

Therefore, it will take Rubio 24 minutes to walk to his friend's house.

Rubio decides he is going to walk to his friends house which is 1 mile from his house. He can walk at a pace of 2/3 mile in 16 minutes. At this rate how long will it take to get to hos friemds house

Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 34 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long will it take her to paint the entire room?(1 point)

hey bot


To find out how many avocados Desiree needs, we can use a proportion based on the ratio of lime juice to avocados given in the recipe.

The proportion we can set up is:

1/4 cup of lime juice : 4 avocados = 1 cup of lime juice : x number of avocados

To solve this proportion, we can use cross-multiplication:

(1/4) * x = (1) * 4

Multiplying both sides of the equation, we have:

x/4 = 4

Next, we can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 4 * 4

x = 16

Therefore, Desiree needs 16 avocados if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice in her guacamole recipe.